“BLOODY HELL!!!” said the man…

Posted on April 25, 2010


Twice upon a time, short while ago, in a land for everybody where nobody owned anything but something, nothing happened. At the second instance this angered everybody, as all of their expectation were shattered, as nothing happened.

Since this happened twice, they saw a pattern. Everybody, now wanted to see this pattern to believe. But somebody raised the fear that seeing a jinxed pattern will kill everyone. Amongst this a state of fear was launched by everyone. After just one day everyone realised that it was becoming obvious and no one did anything. so someone decided, that since everyone believed it openly and no one secretly, to call it the happening. This happening didn’t spread like a timid fire and yet everyone knew it. When this went past somewhere, where there were four people, who believed in nothing because they were after all four people, they failed to pay attention to it.

One day everyone decided to vote out this happening, and in the crowd amongst everyone there were four people, who publicly, yet discreetly, expressed their disbelief in this happening. This angered everyone and they began their search to find these four people. Finally in two inferior days, when no one realised, but everyone found out that these were the four people who never ever lived. This was not actually when everyone were confused. They were confused because first twice upon a time nothing happened and so they called it happening. Then there were four people who discreetly disliked the happening publicly. Finally when everyone searched for the four people they realised, they were the four people who never ever lived.

This was now eating everyone’s head and within minutes they were totally confused. As hours passed by, and since no one could do anything as everyone were confused, it became chaotic. This made everyone so embarrassed that after the last few hours no one wanted to speak of the happening happily ever after.

The next day, someone from very near land didn’t come by, but dropped in for good. This person wanted to know about the place where he was going to live for good part of his life, decided to gather everyone and ask them about this place. No one thought everyone will come though they expected some one. Nevertheless everyone turned up and finally someone  
with no regrets, in a very sad rough tone, said to this man about the happening. This man loudly burped out “Bloody Hell…” and shouted at everyone 

” what on hell is happening…” 

now everyone gained patience and yelled back at this man


“Bloody Hell…” said the man on hearing this. “This is the happening indeed” he remarked. With no caution, four men emerged out of the crowd, barked at everyone 
“we don’t believe in this”.
Posted in: Imagination